I drove up to the show grounds on Friday at six in the morning and, luckily, ran into no traffic. I arrived at the show grounds around ten and was just in time to watch my trainer show my horse. My trainer showed my horse in an under saddle class, which is where the horse is judged on how well it moves compared to the other horses in the class at the walk, trot, and canter. My horse placed eighth out of forty horses. I was so proud, especially because this is only my horse's third show. Later in the day I got to ride my horse. I was really nervous because earlier in the week my horse had been very bad for my trainer and had actually tried to buck my trainer off a couple of times. However, as soon as I got on my horse, she was perfect. My horse only performs that way for me, which shows that horses really do pick their riders. The next day I rode in two jumping classes with my horse. She was really good in both of them and we placed fourth in both of the classes. The next day I rode in an under saddle class and two more jumping classes. She was a little wild in the under saddle and as a result she kept spooking at the camera tripod near the judge's box, but we still placed third. She was really good in the jumping classes and we placed second and third in those classes. I was so proud of my horse for the amazing jumping courses that she laid down. I left in the afternoon on Sunday and arrived home late at night. I was tired but really happy. My horse and I make a great team and I can't wait until our next show.
Frenchie and me waiting for our class to start.